Ass in Chair
Not planning on putting in much face time on the blogosphere today. Time to put on the Lucinda Williams and get focused on the damn novel. Went to sleep last night turning over potential "what if's" and "why's" and "is that remotely believable's" in my head. This is a good thing. For the past few weeks it's been hard to find time to read, much less think about my own shit. So this zen master of procrastination is putting her ass in the chair, turning up the tunes & tuning out the rest of the world. At least until lunch!
Sometimes, that's just the perfect thing to do - enjoy Angie. Hope you have a great day. ya doing with it? I got to meet fellow Phoenician, Elizabeth today. We had lunch. I'm so excited to be meeting other local writers.
It's coming along...much slower than I'd like, but getting the sparkle back. Been busy catching up, but it feels great to be back in the novel.
Are you still on for ThrillerFest, Mindy? I just registered a few days ago. Anne Frasier's going & another writer & bookstore owner from Sedona (Kris Neri) will be there selling her books. Still feeling weird about going without a completed 1st draft, but the workshops could be helpful.
Sooo jealous you've got local writer chicks to hang out with. My writing buddy just moved to Flag, damn him.
Yes. I'm still on. I'm conducting two interviews while there. Hey! I don't even write thrillers, so don't worry about not having a completed manuscript. Figure it this'll probably pick up something while your there, hopefully not ptomaine.
You're not that far away, Angie. Maybe we can figure something out. A once a month thing in Anthem or whatever. Once I have a place up where you are, it will be easier.
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