Weekends Can Be Cool
Philadelphia band Bloodfeathers played at the Raven Cafe last Saturday night. Prescott artist Adam Schradler sat in on drums during the second set while Newt Lynn played bass, harmonica, along with some vocals. They were pretty damn good, but REALLY LOUD! My hearing was shot for a couple hours after I left. I was gonna post a pic, but blogger's being evil with photo uploads today. Earlier in the day, there was a Navajo rug auction over at the Smoki Museum. I didn't make it, but my husband swears they had the best frybread ever and that the couple vending were great people. Again, got pics, can't post 'em. Went to see Pirates of the Car. on Sunday and can't decide if it's because I've been doing so much critting, but seriously thought the movie needed a hefty edit. Don't get me wrong. It was a lot of fun, and Johnny Depp is as awesome as ever, but that was one damn long movie. And there was more repetion that I like.
Working on the short story for the cozy noir contest over at Spinetingler. It's coming along, but I've got the antsy thing happening. S'all right. Just forcing me to work on that discipline thing I keep hearing about.
Lots of cool discussions going on over at Sandra's blog and Anne's blog. Believe me, they're much more interesting than me today!
I loved Anne's post. Absolutely loved it.
And I'm glad you're still working on an entry!
Yep. Anne rocks. One of my favorite people in blogland. And your blog was cool today, too. Hate it when a really good topic comes up & lots of folks comment - means I have to keep checking in to keep up!
Story is coming along. I've had the character down for a while, finally came up with the situation. Must. Write. Shatner. NO! FASTER! NOT SHATNER!! I need another cup o' java.
I thought the first POTC didn't hold up to a second viewing. It was fun the first time around, but dragged when the kids dragged me a second time. They're being way cool and helpful with all the moving stuff, so I've promised them POTC II as soon as we get a couple of hours strung together. Worse comes to worse, I'll sit back and resist the urge to pick fleas out of Jack Sparrow's beard.
Pirates 2 doesn't suck, it's just really, really long. And your kids deserve a freakin' medal, Mindy - and so do you for doing such a great job as Mom.
Shatner calls...
Good luck with the plodding! I'm still not writing. Editing, though.
Um, Angie?
Lately, I feel like everybody is talking in a secret language. Is it time to drag the voices in my head in for a checkup?
You're joking, right? RIGHT?! Yanno, William Shatner, captain of the original Star Trek? Did some really funny/awful faux beat poetry back when Priceline.com was big? Jogging anything in the ol' memory banks, Mindy? You're really starting to scare me.
thanks, guys. :)
i really debated about that post being just too heavy, as jamie put it, but the comments have been fascinating. i've even gotten emails from people who didn't want to expose too much on the internet.
nothing from mom, though. :D :D :D
but anyhooo....
angie, have you tried hearos earplugs? i'd hate for you to have ear damage. they are great for music because they don't muffle things. you can still hear everything. some stuff better. but you probably know all about them. kind of expensive, but worth it. i think mine were twelve bucks.
I KNOW WHO SHATNER IS!!! And I remember the fake beat poetry. I Just don't understand why you are saying this:
Must. Write. Shatner. NO! FASTER! NOT SHATNER!!
*Laughing hysterically* Never mind, Mindy. Just...never mind. Bet you had to google Shatner, Miss "southpark? what's that? no, really, I've HEARD of it, but..."
*stomps foot like a crazy person*
I was a trekkie while you were still negotiating elementary school, missy! Used to watch it in reruns when public television played it in order, and uncut. I can't give you a year, but I think Jimmy Carter was president.
I had the same hassle with posting pics. Going over to check Sandra and Anne's posts. Good luck with the story. I was a paranoid freak and submitted mine within a few hours of the opening deadline. But that's because I knew that the move would stuff me up.
Jeez, Angie AND M.G. You're both making me feel old. I was a trekkie when....never mind.
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