Tuesday, August 08, 2006


I'm having one of those days, the kind where I can't stand a single thing I put on the page and end up deleting every word I write. So what do I do? Endlessly cruise the blogosphere, google weird shit, play computer solitaire, write a little, delete a little, repeat. Yuck. Today is definitely of the "I hate writing" variety. On the other hand, I'm about half-way through the short story I've been working on. Yes, I'm super slow, but in my defense I think it's turning out pretty good. Except for today. The writing is pretty much shit today. Maybe I should go for a walk. Or read a book. Or scrub the toilet. Sad when toilet scrubbing is more appealing than putting words on the page.


At 1:49 PM, Blogger Bill Cameron said...

Yeah, but the thing about scrubbing the toilet is you know when you're done, you know when you've done it well, and in a few days, if you're feeling down again, you can scrub the toilet again and get that shiny clean feeling of competence back!

At 2:23 PM, Blogger Mindy Tarquini said...

At least the toilet will be clean.

At 3:04 PM, Blogger Christian said...

Keep the faith. It will get better. Besides, often what you hate while writing it turns out not so bad when you look at it in a happier state of mind.
Hey, lookit that. I didn't make one toilet joke.

At 3:40 PM, Blogger Brett Battles said...

If you're still at a loss tomorrow, I'm sure my toilet could use a good scrub.

At 6:35 PM, Blogger angie said...

Well, my toilet is now sparkly clean. Let's see if it will have a similar effect on my prose.

Christian, that doesn't usually work that way for me. If it feels like it's sucky today, it most likely will read even suckier tomorrow.

And Brett, you can clean your own damn toilet. The skelo-writer is not amused by your potty humor. Okay, maybe a little.

At 7:19 PM, Blogger Tempest Knight said...

Been there, so I can sympathize. :) I love playing solitaire. Actually I prefer spider solitaire. Funny enough, it helps jog my mind. *lol*

At 11:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully a break and doing something fun, will bring your perspective back.

At 3:49 PM, Blogger Mindy Tarquini said...

Anne? Please tell me you are teasing.

At 5:32 PM, Blogger anne frasier said...

swear to god it's the truth. my son first saw it when he was about 3. we were visiting my uncle and my son had to pee. i think it both horrified and fascinated him. he's an adult now and still talks about it. of course the underlying message was this is what happens if you never get married.

At 5:33 PM, Blogger anne frasier said...

in fact my son and i were talking about that crazy toilet a couple of weeks ago, both lamenting that we'd never gotten a photo of it.

At 5:38 PM, Blogger angie said...

Anne, you never cease to amaze and entertain with your stories. Almost glad you didn't get a photo, though. I can see the caption now..."Creature from the Mossy Toilet vs. Creature from the Black Lagoon." Or something like that!

At 6:09 PM, Blogger Mindy Tarquini said...

I think I'm going to have nightmares about that toilet.

At 8:17 PM, Blogger anne frasier said...

it really wasn't that bad. a little like having a pond in your bathroom. i'll bet it was cleaner that a lot of toilets -- it kinda had its own ecosystem.


At 11:02 PM, Blogger angie said...

I don't think I'd wanna pee, much less poop, in a pond. My god, how quickly it goes downhill into scatological humor land!

At 11:15 AM, Blogger Emmy Ellis said...

Poor you!


At 10:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nice site! »


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