Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Good Places to Visit

Lots of stuff going on & getting behind a bit on the writing, so today I'm just going to give some links to places I like to visit. And just to keep it short & sweet, I'm sticking to AZ blogs/sites.

If you're interested in what life in a small mountain town in AZ is like, check out Granny J's blog, Walking Prescott. She's got lots of great photos, knows her history & is generally a great blog read.

Want to know a bit about Arizona desert ecology from a super liberal and occasionally potty-mouthed artist dude? Check out C. Atrox's Arizona Babylon. He's got a great post up now about desert tortoises.

Like poetry? Check out NORAZ Poets Southwest.

Awesome photos? Go to The Flagstaff Daily Photo .

Go to Coyote Radio if you want to hear some cool poetry, spoken word, radio theater, Prescott Arts Beat, or local music.

And then, of course, there are fellow AZ writers, humorist M.G. Tarquini, and the extraordinary Elizabeth Krecker.

Great people, great blogs. I love Arizona! Take a minute to check out these blogs & websites & I think you'll see why. We've got so many interesting folks here - and the weather doesn't suck, either. (FYI, I got my wish re. the rain slowing down. I don't feel too awful about it. Just heard that this has been the 6th wettest monsoon season on record!).


At 11:06 AM, Blogger Emmy Ellis said...

Happy writing!


At 11:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I have a couple of acres of sand near Dolan Springs. Haven't seen it in years. Might just be a flower garden now.

At 1:14 PM, Blogger WannabeMe said...

thanks for the links - I can't wait to visit Arizona soon!

At 11:31 AM, Blogger Granny J said...

Thanks very much for the link! I saw some awesome dinosaurs yesterday!


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