Sunday, November 05, 2006

Blogger Mysterioso

I have no idea why, but blogger is pretending that my last post never actually existed. I wanted to make a minor edit & discovered that my cute killer squirrel has disappeared into the blogger version of the Bermuda Triangle. Go freakin' figure.

Still have no time for blogging anyway. Much madness on the way to next weekend's Day of the Dead show & with continued NaNo nonsense. Still moving slow, but maybe I'll be one of those last-minute sprinter people. Even if not, the novel is coming along nicely and I'm really happy with it and my progress/process thus far. My husband is less thrilled with my thug/bootylicious playlist...he's a leetle bit sick of Ludacris, Snoop Dogg & Sean Paul. And I think Twista scared him. He's a patient, supportive man who understands my need for mood/subject appropriate writing music. Even if he doesn't like it much. Especially when he caught me singing "mutha-f*@#er get high, get low, get drunk" under my breath while shopping at the grocery store. Oops...

I can't believe how much I miss spending time visiting blogs, but it's just gonna have to wait a bit. So thanks to everyone who's offered words of wisdom, encouragement and cheerleading (yeah, I'm talking to you, Anne, Dink, Steve, Sandra, Trace, NaNo co-conspirators Daniel and Stephen and especialmente Mindy...I'm sure I've forgotten somebody - please forgive my tired brain). Here's wishing every last one of you a fab week of general goodness!


At 7:51 AM, Blogger Mindy Tarquini said...

Stephen's no fun because he's not doing any NanoWhining.

At 9:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a gran week, Angie. Talk to you later.

At 10:26 AM, Blogger d said...

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA ...that's funny about your singing in the grocery store HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

I love that you're happy with how the novel is coming along --that's very cool and way more important than speed(according to The Book of Dink; Rules for Life and Loafing Vol IV).

I hope all goes well in preparation for The Day of the Dead.

At 3:27 PM, Blogger Daniel Hatadi said...

Just start adding unnecessary amounts of internal monologue and extra-flowery description of needless details. You'll be fine. :)

Nice counter!

At 8:36 PM, Blogger anne frasier said...

blogger ate your squirrel? i liked that little guy!

is is possible blogger is getting ready to bite the big one?

At 10:59 PM, Blogger angie said...

Yes, Stephen is quite annoying in his adult, non-whining approach to NaNo.

It really is a faboo counter, Daniel. Ahem.

And it really pissed me off that the squirrel post got eaten, but I have it on good authority that Milton J. Squirrel, of the Squirrel Liberation Front, is planning a hostile takeover of the Day of the Dead blog very, very soon. I suspect he will attempt to resurrect the photo of his squirrel compatriot. As for blogger biting the big one...let's just say I can think of something else blogger can bite.

At 11:00 PM, Blogger angie said...

And Anne, your avatar is new kinds of wrong - I love it!!!

At 9:41 AM, Blogger s.w. vaughn said...

Angie, you and Anne have enlightened me on the mysterious blogging blah that's been happening lately. :-)

NaNo on! I'm there too, but I'm working on something I started before Nov. looking to get another 50K words on it this month, so I can't really "win"... sigh.

So glad to hear you're pleased with your progress, though!

At 2:54 PM, Blogger anne frasier said...

angie, i almost wet my pants when i found my avatar. i had the feeling you would really appreciate it.

At 1:10 PM, Blogger Granny J said...

Last night (Tuesday), Blogger ate all my photos. A couple of hours later, it regurgitated them. Untrustworthy bloody site! Love that avatar, Anne...

At 10:04 PM, Blogger Buffy said...

General Goodness.

Love the phrase.


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