Friday, November 03, 2006

Uhhh....What Time Is It?

It's after 2 a.m., I didn't make the 1667 again, and I really don't care. (Okay, mebbe a little bit...I'm kinda competetive) I did get over 1100 words, which is up from yesterday. More importantly, I don't hate most of them.

The really good news is that I love my story. The characters are talking loud and clear and that kicks ass. Part of the problem (undeniable need-to-edit-as-I-go aside) is the story format. Anybody out there ever done a reverse narrative? It's flippin' hard. But I've committed to it and I don't think I could tell the story differently now. Actually, I tried yesterday and I think that was part of the frustration. The damn story just won't go that direction.

Really, truly, I didn't mean to come off like a big whine-a-thon. I understand that some people really love the "whoo-hoo" of quantity over quality. That's ultimo fab. But for me it's more of an oh-shit-I'm-WAY-out-of-my-comfort-zone kinda deal. That's not a bad thing, just...challenging. I'm digging the story and the characters and the truth is that I'm writing way more than I usually do, even if I'm not up to NaNo speed. It's still early, dammit!


At 7:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go, Angie, go. I'm sending encouraging thought your way.

At 12:21 PM, Blogger Sandra Ruttan said...

You know, I personally find that when I start a project it's slower in the beginning and picks up steam later. Just do what you can. Feel good about the fact that you're writing daily and making solid progress - and that you don't hate all those words.

At 4:24 PM, Blogger d said...

"The really good news is that I love my story. The characters are talking loud and clear and that kicks ass."

oooh! That's not just good news, it's great news --sounds like you're really percolating.


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