The Rudeness of Strangers

I've spent entirely too much time reading hooks at Miss Snark's and I really want to know wtf is going on with some of these people posting comments. I'm down for a good joke, and I understand the occasional oh-god-what-were-you-thinking response, but some of these people are just nasty for (what appears to be) the sole pleasure of self-aggrandizement.
I don't get it. Are their egos so fragile that the only way to build them up is to ruthlessly tear down the efforts of others? Because, y'know, we all learn so much from brutal humiliation. An intellectualized version of "this sux, yer lame" is of no use to a writer, or to those reading to learn.
Where are the entries for these intellectual and moralistic superiors? Oh, wait. I guess if you're that damn good, you WON'T POST YOUR WORK for feedback. Which leads to the question...why the hell are you spending time over at Miss Snark's? Shouldn't you be working on the fourth book in your already-sold-for-a-bazillion-dollars book deal? Or could it be that, in spite of your exceptional skills, you remain unagented, unpublished and completely unappreciated? Poor, poor babies. Perhaps a more constructive pastime is in order.
I'm both amused and appalled by the authors who feel compelled to respond to criticism (some of it nasty, much of it constructive). This is not a dissertation committee, and there's no need to "explain" your work, your ideas, or your communication skills to those you believe are too stupid to "get it." No need to get pissy or defensive - but hey, go ahead if that's what you feel you must do.
I've learned a hell of a lot. One of the more important being that some people are far more interested in being an ass than in actual participation. The most important being that I'd be an utter nincompoop to pay any attention to poorly thought-out, intelluctu-babble crap. Fortunately, I am not an utter nincompoop. I'm merely a half-wit who's not planning on throwing in the pen any time soon.
Ahem. End of rant.
I was going to rant about the very same thing, but you pretty much stole my thunder.
I backspaced out a similar response in Miss Snark's.
I also am irked by those who seem to feel they need to "agree with" Miss Snark...especially anonymously --is there anything useful in that?
As is getting to be my usual I've stopped reading the "comments" at all over there.
Too bad.
Don't let the bastards get ya down.
I'm not pissed by any of the comments on my hook - generally got good responses. It just really bugs the crap out of me when people are nasty just to make themselves feel better/more important. Losers.
Okay, not sure what happened with my earlier response, but I digress...
THANK YOU FOR THIS! You took the words right off of my keyboard! There is one poster that has responded negatively to even the "Bingo's" and I have literally had to bite my tongue (and my fingers) to keep from responding. Nerve! They tear people down to build themselves up. Follow the link to some of their own blogs (that's how I got here, btw) - their writings aren't that great!
Thanks again for blogging this. My sentiments exactly!
From one writer/Angie to another!
Great post, Angie. I'm so down with you. I've commented on a few of them, but hopefully I haven't been a complete asshole. I think I mostly said nice things...
Which one's yours? I've been pretty much reading all of them so I get lost sometimes. :-)
My hook is #2.
The thing is, constructive criticism is fabulous. With really only one exception, the feedback I got was constructive. And I've got super thick skin, so it doesn't bug me to get a crappy comment - but the relentless negativity posted on hook after hook gets on my nerves.
It's the "this sux, yer lame" shit that totally drives me up the proverbial wall. Not helpful - unless your plan was to drive my blood pressure up. In that case, it's highly effective.
Woot, you got in early! :-)
After looking through the comments on quite a few of the winning entries (your's is up there, Angie), I have to wonder if hawkowl is posting from an institute for the criminally insane.
That's one of the better theories I've heard, Daniel. Maybe a med adjustment is in order. :o)
*don't feed the trolls, don't feed the trolls, don't feed the trolls, I'm screaming inside, but don't feed the trolls*
Easily I to but I dream the collection should acquire more info then it has.
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