Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Creep Factor

Woke up in the middle of a horrible dream. No slasher movie/suspenseful crap. No, it was much, much worse. I was working in an art store (it's been, what? 15 years since I've done that?) and went to ring someone out at the cash register. Only to move something and be faced with a gi-normous spider. I'm talking dinner plate size. Not a fuzzy spider, but one with a carapace kind of like a crab shell. And it had a baby. The size of a salad plate. Eeurgh, Ew and Aaaargh! The monster arachnids scampered off onto the floor several feet into the corner and this is when things went from creepifying to weird. I pulled out a color-coded chart and discovered that they were in a "safe" zone and I couldn't squish 'em. Not that I really wanted to. C'mon, those hard shells wouldn't squish, they'd crackle. Shudder. Twitch. (I'm talking about me here, not the creepy-crawlers).

The hubster would inevitably tell me that the nightmare critters are about the fact that I need to get off my ass & write. As in, Write Now, Dammit! He always reminds me of the myths about spiders creating the first written language in their webs. He might be right about why they showed up in my dream, but I could use a less terrifying kick in the pants, dear psyche. No really. Please lay off the giant brittle bugs. You're just scaring me into paralysis, so knock it off. If you promise to keep the eight-legged freaks out of my dreams, I promise I'll write my little fingers off.


At 1:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried to post earlier, but google was doing something. Now I forget what it was. Oh yeah, better to have a dream about a big ass spider then to run across one.

At 2:37 PM, Blogger Hulles said...

I really like the idea that there was a safe zone where the spiders could go. Kind of like those signs you used to see in houses where school kids could go if they needed to. Poor little guys. The spiders, not the school kids. Just remember that they got that big eating cucurachas the size of Buicks.

At 10:06 PM, Blogger anne frasier said...

hmm. i'm also intrigued with the safe zone. if the spiders represent writing... and they're in the safe zone.... i wonder what that means?

At 10:34 PM, Blogger angie said...

Don't crunch the writing? I dunno. It was tres creepy.

At 2:06 PM, Blogger T. Stone said...

Spiders are your friends.

At 5:02 PM, Blogger angie said...

No, they're really not. They bite me. All the time. A nasty little bit I forgot to add was that I woke up with a spider bite after that dream. On my face! Bitches.

At 9:32 AM, Blogger Tracy Sharp - Author of the Leah Ryan Series said...

I friggin' hate spiders. And nightmares are often a sign that I need to write when I've taken time off writing.


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