Tuesday, January 02, 2007

TBR 2007 (the early days...)

Everybody's posting about their fave books of 2006, and my "must read" list has grown exponentially. Since I've already mentioned my favorite reads over the course of the year, I'm gonna talk about the books I'm looking forward to reading in 2007. It's a long list, so I'm just gonna do the first five today (pretty much in order of must read, for reasons important only to me).

First off, I'm a about three-quarters of the way through Tim Maleeny's Stealing the Dragon, available now for pre-order. I'm digging it so far, but I'll be talking more about this book later this year. Isn't that awesome cover art?!

Then there's Tracy Sharp's Finding Chloe, available right now over at Liquid Silver Books. I've got it hanging out on the ol' hard drive, waiting patiently for me to stop foolin' around and read it. Only had a chance to peek at it so far, but I liked what I saw (although I admit to blushing deeply at the steamy, er, sex scene - I'm a big sex scene sissy). Again, more on this when I've actually finished it.

Coming soon (January 7th!!) is Sandra Ruttan's debut, Suspicious Circumstances. I've been waiting to get my grubby little mitts on this one for way too long, and am excited to finally get to read the damn thing. It's available for pre-order now at Barnes & Noble (click on the book title & it'll take you right there!).

Sitting on my coffee table, singing a Tammy Wynette tinged siren song, is Ken Bruen's latest contribution, American Skin. It's no secret that I adore Bruen's work. The man can write dark, bloody circles around most modern crime fiction writers. Hell, he can write dark, bloody circles around most writers regardless of genre! Reading his work is always an absolute mind-blowing/expanding pleasure. I read a few pages and then set it aside - other stuff to do first, and I want to have time to really savor this one. It looks goooood.

Last, but certainly not least, is The Killing Sea, the new YA book by Richard Lewis, aka the Novelist in Paradise (he lives in Bali!). The aftermath of the tsunami that struck in 2004 provides the backdrop for the story of two kids traveling through the devastation. Raslan, an Indonesian boy, searches for his father, while Australian Sarah seeks medical help for her brother. Richard Lewis lived through the tsunami and worked as a relief worker for several weeks after the disaster struck. Oh, and did I mention that there's already a movie in the works? Yeah, looking forward to this one.

So, not by any means a complete list, but a good start for January of 2007. I'll post more of my list as I work my way through the stack.

Apropos of absolutely nothing, I had the most bizarre dream last night about internet SPAM and...grapes. Don't ask. It makes no sense to me either.


At 12:35 PM, Blogger Sandra Ruttan said...

Well Angie, all I can say is that I hope when your mitts get hold of it, they know what to do with it.

At 4:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A good list. I look forward to Ms Ruttan's book.

At 10:16 AM, Blogger d said...

I love to read other people's lists of favs --or to be reads.

Thanks, angie. :-)

At 1:54 PM, Blogger Bill Cameron said...

Tim's book is excellent. I got to read it in the fall. And, yes, the cover art is beautiful.

At 10:23 AM, Blogger Tracy Sharp - Author of the Leah Ryan Series said...

Thanks Angie! *SMOOCH*

At 7:05 PM, Blogger Richard Lewis said...

Hey, thanks, Angie!


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