Back to Normal(ish)
After dealing with much stupidness (and heart-stoppingly outrageous expense) with the truck, I hit the local B&N for a much needed break yesterday. I was thrilled to find Kelly Parra's debut, Graffiti Girl on the shelves. I've been waiting for this one to come out & am looking forward to spending some quality time with it in the near future. It's a YA novel (a genre I've been interested in for a while). I'll let ya know what I think when I've had a chance to finish it.
So...I've been busy with stupid stuff and haven't done diddly on the novel. I'm not talking about the weekend shenanigans, which were great and totally worth the time away. I'm talking about the other life stuff that piles up and cannot be ignored (not the dishes, though - the hubster was awesome & took care of the small mountain I left him). Anyway, I'm back on schedule and happy to be. It's gotten to the point where I feel icky if I haven't written in a day and downright bitchy if it's been more than two days. I was fast approaching uber-bitch mode by the end of Tuesday. Fortunately for all concerned, I'm back on track and much, much happier.
I'm taking up the paper plate suggestion. I feel a little bad about it, but not bad enough to not do it. Sorry dear trees, really I am, but the need to write and NOT do the dishes has over-ridden any lingering pangs of guilt. Besides, at least I'm conserving water this way...right? Um, yeah. That's my story and I'm stickin' with it.
I'll go with the saving water argument any day! In another location, I'd argue for washing the dishes or the diapers or whatever in order to save the trees (or petroleum). However, I feel quite smug and righteous here in AZ to "import water" by using the paper.
Paper plates save my life sometimes.
My old Uni used to serve fries in cups made of potato. You eat the fries, then eat the cup.
Iif only there were plates like that.
Hey Angie, thanks for picking up GG!! I hope you enjoy it! :) :)
I'm really happy to hear the writing is going well. Keep it up. And keep up the paper plates as long as it takes. XO.
Graffiti Girl looks like something I might like. I used to read a TON of YA and even wrote a draft of one once.
Save the Water! Hug a Drinking Fountain! whoo hoo for paper plates (in small quantities, now and then).
I tried to sell my family on FOOD-ON-A-Stick ...serve everything on a bamboo skewer, make them eat it outside on the deck. No plate to wash and you can reuse the skewers as little plan stakes--unfortunately they never really bought it.
Yep, hooray for paper plates! Liking what I've read of Graffiti Girl so far, looks like a fun read.
Nothing like a good book...I'll be excited to hear the review. And about the paper plates? No problem...think of how much energy you're saving for writing by not doing dishes (ah yes, the justifications just pour in...)
I'm sure the plates were recycled paper, dear.
Another Prescott blog, amazing! And I thought I was the only one! The more paper plates we use the better off I feel.
Reading these kind of posts reminds me of just how technology truly is omnipresent in this day and age, and I am fairly confident when I say that we have passed the point of no return in our relationship with technology.
I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as memory gets less expensive, the possibility of downloading our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could see in my lifetime.
(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=]R4 SDHC[/url] DS FFV2)
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