Monday, October 01, 2007

Stephen Blackmoore Interview - and an unrelated mini rant

Mini rant first...

I went to my local B&N over the weekend to pick up a few more books for my already structurally unsound TBR tower. I love my B&N. No, really, I do. The closest good indie bookstore is all the way in Sedona & I can't just jump in the car & go when I absolutely, positively MUST have a book RIGHT NOW. So what's the problem? Well, after purchasing said books, I thought I'd get a cup of coffee and read for a bit in the cafe. The hubster was at home, busy growling over Coyote Radio Theater scripts for our Day of the Dead show, so it was actually more peaceful in the freakin' mall. So I settled in and got a few chapters in, digging the quiet and the caffeine.

Until it happened.

"Silent Night."

That's right.

The dreaded Christmas music invasion has begun.

In September.

Need I say more?

Suspect: Stephen Blackmoore
Age: Unknown - hey, not all the undead remember their death-days!
Occupation: Avid reader, writer, and some weird computer-related thing called "a day job."
Last known location: Lost somewhere in La-La Land, CA

In this week's episode, I grill Stephen about the perils of mixing horror and crime, the general squickiness of undead sex, and the tastiness (or lack thereof) of candy corn and wax lips.

Visit Stephen's R-rated blog (it's got fab linkage to his short stories, too) here


At 9:33 AM, Blogger d said...

I'm totally losin' it.

I listened to this Monday and meant to comment here ...sigh.

Again, I really got a kick out of the interview. I don't read horror, not much crime, little in the way of any kind of noir still I was fascinated listening to Blackmoore talk about vampires, zombies, and assorted noir and more.He's fun to listen to. You really can pick 'em Angie.

I loved your hysterical choice of music at the first break and the term werehedgehogs lives huge in my imagination. I actually wrote down some of the books mentioned ...I might be givin' them a try.

Thanks for what you do.

At 12:09 PM, Blogger Granny J said...

What's wrong with that bookstore --don't they know it's Halloween, which is the six weeks period before Noel begins.

At 1:44 PM, Blogger angie said...

Glad to hear you're digging the podcasts, Dink. Stephen's a really nice guy that I actually got to meet in person last year at Thrillerfest. He's a pretty nifty writer, too!

As for the transgressive evilosity of the Christmas music...well, I'm starting to think the retailers won't be happy until the season starts in August, right after Back-to-School madness. *sigh*


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