Sunday, October 14, 2007

Switching Podcast Hosts

Why? Because Podomatic had a major melt-down last week, lost all my data and my stuff still hasn't reappeared. I don't have the time or energy to fool around with that any more, so the In for Questioning podcast has moved. Now you can find it over here at LibSyn.

I'm not thrilled - the new host costs money (Podomatic had a decent free service that I was using - glad I hadn't upgraded yet), and I can't figure out how to get the LibSyn podcast player to load onto blogger without it looking totally nasty. There are weird bits of code floating around, though the player will actually work.

I've uploaded Charlie Huston's show, am working on Monday's interview & will gradually replace the other 4 lost shows (hey, I've got limited storage at the new host). So...that's the latest. Off to finish edits and do other stuff like make dinner and read and go over notes. Wish I wasn't such a techno-ninny...


At 7:20 PM, Blogger d said...

Jeez, what a pain in the butt, angie.

Maybe you can put up a PayPal dealie and let us listeners donate. I hate that you have to pay for this.

I finally heard Charlie Huston's interview and enjoyed the heck out of it. I loved the "no animals harmed" stuff hahahaha and I get a huge kick out of your choice of music in all your interviews.

I hope to get a chance to hear the newest interview soon.


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