It's been almost three years since my last visit to the dentist and it took constant pain and a (separate) broken tooth to get me to go back. I have dental fear. Nay, dental terror. My dentist is better than average, but for a chickie with bad teeth, a nasty gag reflex and some weird dental pain thing (I can always feel it when my teeth are worked on - last time I got pumped as full of novocaine as is possible and ended up getting some other painkiller shot directly into the nerve that killed the pain but made my heart race like a hummingbird on crack...not pretty, not fun, not something to encourage regular dental checkups). Essentially, I've got about 3k worth of work that needs doing - and that's after my dental insurance picks up their share. Yup, the super-duper oh-my-god deep cleaning comes in at a thousand bucks (200 big 'uns per "quadrant"), two crowns and a couple of fillings. Yippee. On the plus side, I'm getting sedated *cue Ramones* for the two visits it'll take to get all this shit done. My dentist swears that most people don't remember anything at all and that those who do tend to remember just bits and pieces. Count me in. God. What I wouldn't give to be one of those lucky bitches with the strong healthy teeth genes.
NaNo is making me crazy. On the plus side, I've almost been keeping up with the ridiculous pace - I think I'm only about 750 words off where I should be tonight. That's mainly due to the fact that I talked the hubster into doing NaNo with me. We do sprints to see who can get 500 words done first. Loser has to do stupid stuff like buy the coffee, run to the grocery store, etc. He started 2 days late and is already caught up. Bastard. I don't feel too bad, though. I've been working on two projects at once and have technically written more than him, though not for NaNo. Ah, I'm tired and don't know how to say this coherently. Whatever, I'm running hard, not sleeping near enough, a little freaked by the dentist thing that I need to schedule for next week, but am holding it together with lots of coffee and chocolate. Thus endeth the Angie update.